In Annelise Frankfurt, Martina Hoogland Ivanow aims to build a story based on creations, to reproduce the story of choreographer Annelise Frankfurt. A woman who was admired, but who also frightened many. An eccentric, a person surrounded by many myths and stories. The film wants to ask questions about what it’s like to be an active woman and artist, about observing and being observed, about competition and norms. A poetic film, but with elements of humour. Annelise Frankurt’s (1926–2007) fate is fascinating and links in to Hoogland Ivanow’s interest in opposites, the in-between, and human relationships.
Producer: Anna Byvald, Silverosa Film
Research, Set Design, Costume: Nils Harning
Editing: Margareta Lagerqvist
Installation view of film, Annelise Frankfurt in Tidsfickor och Förflyttningar, 2014, Bungenäs, Gotland, SE