Solo exhibition, Interbeing / Early Reading, 2021 at Taverna Brillo, Stockholm, SE.
Interbeing, 2018 — Film, 10:40 min/sec.
Photographs, 2005-2021
At Brillo, Hoogland Ivanow shows material from the film Interbeing against a selection of photographic works from 2005-21. The film as well as the selection of photographs is based on thoughts about an isolated community. Through a non-linear interpretation of different social structures and their approach to trust and fear, she uses a thermal camera against a continuous and repeating sound image of an A tone. The specific technique is used here as a way to reinforce body language and the stretchable space between people, an opportunity to visually express something about the common and interpersonal. The optics do not reproduce what the eye sees but shades of temperature, the camera also creates a visible form of heat shadows upon and after touch. The heat remains. Traces of the public encounter as well as in the more pronounced contact-seeking.